arqbioclimatica, Inc. 2023-08-11T11:31:34-04:00 arqbioclimatica, Inc. 2023-08-11T11:31:34-04:00 2023-08-11T11:31:34-04:00 Discraft Z Line Zone OS Disc Golf Putter Discs Discraft

Vendor: Discraft
Type: Discs
Price: 17.99

The Discraft Z Line OS is one of the beefiest discs in the game. It's overstable, doesn't have much glide, and won't fly all that far. So why are people swearing by this disc? It's that approach disc that fights to get down to the ground. You can trust it to always hyzer out. Throw this disc as hard as you want, on any angle, and it's not flipping even in a headwind.

The Zone OS is going to be the disc you pull out to flex a short shot. It's that disc you'll pull out of your bag when you want to get up and down from 100 feet. It has a slightly puddle top to it. You won't be able to eat cereal out of it, but you'll notice the concave feel the first time you slide your thumb on top. Throw this disc flat and expect it to start dumping out to fade as soon as it runs out of speed. You're not going to blow past the basket like you might throwing a putter. Use this disc and improve your accuracy on upshots.

Z Line plastic from Discraft is a premium blend. It's very durable, stiff, and reliable in all forms of weather. It's a great choice for the Zone OS because you want something that is alright even if you throw it hard and clip a tree or a rock. This is the plastic you'll see many touring pros throw for their upshot discs because it works, and it's consistent.

The Zone OS is the disc you want to pull out of your bag when you only want the disc to go as far as you throw it with no glide. It's going to be something that you want to keep in your top pocket of your bag because you trust it. Snag one of these today and see why an even more overstable disc might be right for you. ]]>
Discraft Discs fade_5 glide_2 Putt & Approach Putter speed_4 Stock Stamp turn_1 Z Line Zone Zone OS 173-174 Yellow 4 17.99 157946023669 174 173-174 Orange 9 17.99 157945401703 174 173-174 Blue 12 17.99 019677941622 174 173-174 Blue 15 17.99 019678714836 174 173-174 Blue 16 17.99 019679163169 174 173-174 Yellow 18 17.99 019671407827 174 173-174 Yellow 19 17.99 019675933292 174 170-172 Orange 20 17.99 019671166274 172 170-172 Green 22 17.99 019674421554 172 170-172 Green 25 17.99 019675154918 172 170-172 Orange 26 17.99 019676311969 172